Information about

How it works

How to list your space?

- Create a "Renting Out" listing, if you are currently renting out spaces. It is easy to change into other listings and back, for example when you want to stay visible but do not have spaces to rent.
- "Looking for space" listing lets you announce your wishes for a space.
- "Coworking space" is a listing for you to present who you are and what you do.
- Similarly "Creative center" is to present your collective that is larger and more versatile than coworking.
- "Residency" is to present workspaces that can also provide accommodation.
- "Vacant space" is to let others know about an empty building or space that you have found.

Listing FAQ

Who can list spaces in Mushrooming?

- Everybody who wants to share their workspace and thus to share also the expenses. You might get new friends and build professional network at the same time too!

What does it cost to list a space?

- Listing spaces and getting inquiries from potential new co-workers is free.

How to list multiple pricing options for a listing?

- There are two ways: 1) List your workspace multiple times with all pricing options you want to make available. 2) Communicate different prices in the listing description

If there is no space to rent for a moment?

- We encourage you to keep your signing up to active and either 1) to change the listing to other listing types focusing on describing who you are or 2) simply to close your listing, which makes all data of the listing stay for your future use. You can open the listing again when the need to rent out is at hand.

On what features is the development crew of the service working next?
- There is the need to create a stabile profile of workroom.
- In connection to this profile we need the possibility of creating multiple listings of different spaces or workingposts to be rented out.
- We need a clear sign about whether a workroom has space available at the moment or not.

Need more help?
- Contact Sharetribe directly or mushrooming.contacts(at)